Laying Cycle:
- Emu birds lay eggs in a cycle of 5 or 6 eggs in a month.
- After each cycle, there will be a gap of one week.
- Gap between two eggs is 72-74 hours (3 days).
- Emu Eggs weighs 400grams to 700 grams in general.
- Average weight is 550 grams.
- In an average, there will be 4-6 cycles every season. (5x4=20eggs min; 6x6=36eggs max)
- Eggs will be laid in evenings or in early mornings. You can collect them around 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm.
- Each egg from a pair will be of same size and same weight, most of the times.
- Eggs are in dark green color with thick shell.
- Eggs are sometime in light green (whitish) color, which shows that some nutrients are missing, especially calcium. Add calcium supplements to the feed.
- Sometimes, you will get shell-less eggs - eggs with just thick white membrane. This is caused by serious calcium deficiency. Add seashells powder to the feed.
- Eggs rarely formed a double-yoke. Double yoke eggs weigh almost 900grams to 1200 grams. These are useless, they never hatch. Better use it for "Big Family Omlette or Party Omlette"
- Egg handling does decide the hatchability of the Eggs.
- Egg has to be collected shortly after the laying. Do not leave it in open yard for too long.
- Egg has to be cleaned before storing. Clean it with a Warm water, and then use an antiseptic liquid with a cotton to clean it. This is to prevent bacterias.
- Store the eggs in below normal temperature, say 22-26 degree celcius. If you couldn't maintain at that temperature, use a dark place to store it. A earthern pot is also useful.
- While storing the eggs, keep them in horizontal state. Do not keep them upwards.
- Use it within 7 days of storage (in a dark room condition). If you are storing at 22-26 degrees, you can keep it for upto 3 weeks (I have tested and the hatchability is 80%).
- While transporting from location to another location, use a thermocol box, which has been designed to carry the eggs. Otherwise, road conditions may prove fatal for the eggs.
- Eggs are sold to Hatcheries, where people do not have their own incubators.
- Do not buy eggs from a distance of not more than 3-hours travelling time.
- To ensure the air bag is intact inside the egg, use a warm water to test the eggs. If the air bag is intact, the Egg will float. Otherwise, it will sink.
- Visit the farm atleast once, where the eggs are coming from. Teach them the above mentioned Egg-handling habits.
I would appreciate people can feedback on the Egg prices in their region, as a response to this post.