Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Egg Season has begun....!!!

Emu Breeders started laying. I also contacted several other people, and many of them confirmed their Breeders started laying, but not started in full swing.

Please note, when the season actually begins, not all the breeders will lay eggs. One or two pair will start laying eggs initially, and to kick off the momentum it will take atleast 2-3 weeks. Until then, you cannot start your incubator. Because to start an Incubator, you need a reasonable quantity of eggs to sustain the cost of production.

What to do with the eggs until then...?

You can keep it in Fridge at 18 degree celcius, for upto 15 days. Or, you can keep it in a dark, cold place inside a clay pot. When you are taking out the eggs from Fridge storage, keep the egg in open space at room temperature for a minimum of 8 hours for the eggs to stabilize.

The price of the eggs?.....  Good question, wait for atleast next 10 days..!!  This is the Demand and Supply equation.


nagarjuna said...

hello sir,

Who will deside the Emu Egg Price and Emu chick Rate who is controlling

Karthik said...


I read all your post, You are doing a very good job here.

People have lot of questions in their mind, so i am just their representative here.

First thing, Now a days medias are saying without starting emu meat business this field also fell down like Rabbit farm business.This message is making a bad impression about Emu farm in public mind. As you know now a days people are only selling their emu chicks and egss only.

This is not a good health for emu farm business.So soon every one should start the emu meat business forcefully

Even Mr.Rajenderan(Chief of Tamilnadu Emu association)said, in India still we didn't start meat sale in forcefully.

But you mentioned in the name of
Emu Slaughtering Houses blog :

As you said :

"I recently had discussion with few industry veterans about the upcoming emu slaughtering units in and around Tamil Nadu and AP. They were very positive and confident about the slaughtering business, and I noticed that they are bit worried too, for not going to get enough stocks for the Slaughtering house. This will initiate a supply/demand gap, possibly in the coming year 2011/2012.

The Good News is that, Vileena Emu (AP) will be starting their Slaughtering House in July(2011), same goes for Jeevan Emu Farm, Dindigul (TN)August (2011). In addition to these two, I understand that another few units are coming up, and I am getting more details about them. Soon, I will bring those information here."

But still no demand for emu meat and still public have no awarness.

So what you think, when the meat bussiness will become speed up?

Anonymous said...

hello sir,

any update on emu egg price for this season????

Anonymous said...

hello sir,

Any update on emu egg price for this season?????

Anonymous said...
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sandip patel said...

dear sir
kindly provide ur contact details i want to call you
also provide us ur new post
also i heard that a new project will start in hubli near karnataka which is now running on manual basis but in short time they will run on automatic plant

sandip patel
patels emu ranch, gujarat

sandip patel said...

why no blog since long time?